LAB+ results from the joint effort of Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, a world-class research center located in Montevideo (Uruguay), and the Investment bank firm FICUS Advisory, with the vision that a life-science based Company Builder located in Uruguay will push the boundaries of science and technology to bring meaningful transformative changes into our society.


Under the “one-health” concept, we aim to support life sciences entrepreneurs with powerful ideas and broad scientific ambitions to create successful international sustainable enterprises.

Our collaborative and iterative process is driven by a common goal: to positively impact and empower entrepreneurs to put science at the service of society and develop a knowledge-based economy.

Focus and discipline are embedded in our culture. We focus on building best-of-class companies that will respond to the evolving needs of our society and contribute to social improvements through major advances in the life sciences. Our dedicated efforts and disciplined investment strategy will allow us to reach attractive returns for our investors.

Investment philosophy

We focus on revolutionary projects that play at the intersection of medicine, biology and technology to improve the well-being of humans, animals and the environment. We encourage top scientists to challenge conventional thinking and take their best ideas to their full potential, supporting them with best in class services.


As well as providing funding, we provide a top-notch science ecosystem and deep international business and entrepreneurial experience on how to build, operate, fund and grow a world-class company.

Our distinct approach

1. Smart money

A globally connected, Institut Pasteur centered, science ecosystem and world-class network.

2. Instant credibility

Ability to build instant reputation, with the endorsement of one of the most valuable brands in life-sciences.

3. Just skip the first 300 days

LAB+’s Incubator/Accelerator (and its ancillary support system) facilitates bringing extraordinary lab science to application, going from preclinical science to company, pulling Institut Pasteur’s resources and in association with other organizations.

4. Connections that matter

LAB+ has exclusive access to one of the world’s most valuable life sciences networks.

5. Science to Business

Working together with researchers and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, LAB+ will provide the necessary tools to transform scientific discoveries into successful business models, accompanying the creation of internationally focused companies and their subsequent evolution.


Projects will be selected from national and international calls to guide the most motivated scientists through a stage-regulated, evolutionary and networked model of progress and de-risking.

Source: Adapted from Flagship Pioneering and from Loonshots, Safi Bahcall