Intelligent microbes for precision medicine
Use of smart microorganisms as a tool for diagnosis and therapy


Despite ongoing advances in cancer therapy, the adaptive capacity of cancer cells and tumor heterogeneity pose significant challenges to finding a cure for the disease. Among other alternatives under investigation, the development of smart cell therapies with the ability to safely and precisely target cancer cells constitute a new generation of cancer treatments. These therapies focus on the use of genetically modified cells or bacteria with the aim of directing them to specific sites in the patient's body, where they would develop a localized therapeutic action.


Locbio has developed a new cell reprogramming technology based on the use of bacteria to create customizable live biotherapeutic products. In particular, to advance the development of a probiotic that can detect tumors, colonize them and fight colorectal cancer. Using protein engineering and synthetic biology tools, Locbio's goal is to "reprogram"-through genetic modification-natural probiotic bacteria so that they can perform specific actions. In this way, for example, a bacterium could be modified to go to a certain place in the organism and, if it encounters a tumor, carry out a certain action according to established rules.


Felipe Trajtenberg – Founder
PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology; Biochemist (IP Montevideo).
Juan Pablo Tosar foto
Dayana Benchoam – Lab. Staff
PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology; Biochemist (Udelar).
Juan Manuel Valle – Lab. Staff
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology (ORT).